Remembrance at Hooe
HVCG was delighted to be able to help Dick Cary and Jane Vitler prepare and dress the Flag Green ready for the annual time of remembrance. We are all very proud of our Remembrance Display which is admired and appreciated by many who pass by. The whole display has been made in Hooe which celebrates not only the skills of Hooe residents but also their commitment to the village. A tradition we hope will be repeated in years to come.

Petition to increase the safety of the B2095 Lower Street Ninfield – Marsh Road A.259
To take steps to reduce the speed and weight of vehicles and address the growing problem of dangerous and inconsiderate driving. In 2016 a petition was presented to East Sussex County Council requesting the reclassification of the B2095, as this had resulted in an increase in volume, weight and speed of traffic using the road.
When the A269/B2095 junction at Lower Street Ninfield was realigned, the B2095 to the A259 Marsh Road running through Russells Green and Hooe was designated by East Sussex County Council a dispersal route to Eastbourne and new signposts were erected on the A269 reading ‘A259 Eastbourne’. Sadly, our petition was unsuccessful at that time as the County thought the new Link Road would alleviate the problem. However, since then the problems have increased. This narrow winding country road attracts many more vehicles than it can safely accommodate. The speed limit varies from 30mph, 40mph and an unbelievable 60mph. The changes in speed limit are confusing for drivers resulting in noncompliance. We strongly support the request that ESCC examine the safety of this road. That serious consideration is given to reducing the maximum speed limit to 40mph on the entire length of the road from A259 to Lower Street, particularly the stretch of road between Hooe village and the A259, where the speed limit is currently is 60mph, where there have been several accidents, including the tragic death of an 11-year-old boy. At the same time please consider the introduction of a vehicle weight reduction order
This petition is being organised by Wealden District Councillor, Pam Doodes and her husband, Revd Peter Doodes, at the request and with the active support of many of local residents. There was a meeting on the 16th February with MP Huw Merriman to discuss our concerns, and he agreed to take them further.